
18 June 2005


KUALA LUMPUR, June 18 (Bernama) -- National Silat Federation President Tan Sri Muhammad Muhammad Taib said tonight the Malay traditional martial arts form of silat could help build an individual's sense of tradition, ethics and values.

"Through the theory and practice of silat, a strong sense of sportmanship as well as a high level of discipline is developed.

"This means that the Malays can forge forward into the international arena in more ways than one," he said at a dinner of the Seni Silat Cekak Association of Malaysia.

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12 June 2005

Seni Silat Lincah plans to form Silat Faculty at USM

KUALA LUMPUR, June 12 (Bernama) -- The Seni Silat Lincah Organisation Malaysia (PSSLM) plans to set up a silat faculty at Universiti Science Malaysia (USM) as a move to uphold the identity of the martial art.

Its founder Datuk Omardin Mauju said he had sent a proposal to the university and was waiting for a reply.

"We held priliminary discussions with the university and they suggested that we write and make a formal proposal. This we already did and we are now waiting for the reply," he told reporters here, today.

He had earlier attended the opening of the 27th annual general meeting of the organisation by Information Minister Datuk Seri Abdul Kadir Sheikh Fadzir.

Omardin said among the aims of the faculty was to gather the experts from all the barnches of silat who could teach the art to others.

"He said currently silat is being practised in 50 countries and the faculty could also draw these people to study the art here.

Meanwhile, Abdul Kadir said his ministry would assist the organisation to expand through the electronic media.

RTM had aired the programme "Mahaguru", a silat programme but it had ended.

"I will also seek to enable the various silat groups to participate in the Merdeka celebrations," he said.

Abdul Kadir also launched the organisation's website at

Sourced from

04 June 2005


KANGAR, June 4 (Bernama) -- The Malaysian National Silat Federation (Pesaka) will investigate an allegation that silat exponents from Kedah who competed in the national junior meet that ended here today had been neglected.

Its Secretary General, Megat Zulkarnain Omardin, said Kedah Pesaka would also be asked to submit an official report on the incident as soon as possible.

Pesaka had come to know of the incident through the media, he told reporters after the closing of the six-day Fifth National Junior Championships here today.

Some 20 silat exponents from Kedah, including seven girls, were found staying at the Kampung Santan community hall without proper facilities since the tournament started on May 30.

A visit to the hall by the media in the morning and afternoon several days ago found that the athletes slept on mats and used their bags for pillows.

The girls stayed at a different building.

Megat Zulkarnain said he had received an initial report from Kedah Pesaka saying that the community hall was used as a training venue and not for accommodation.

"I will look at the Kedah Pesaka official report and take into consideration the media reports," he said.

He said he was disappointed over the incident as the Perlis government, the hosts, provided the best venue, accommodation and transportation.

Perlis provided accommodation at the Perlis Polytechnic in Pauh as well as transport facilities to the tournament venue at the Dewan 2020 here.

Megat Zulkarnain said he was afraid that the incident would prompt parents not to allow their children to take part in the national-level tournament after this.

On the action that can be taken on Kedah Pesaka for neglecting their athletes, he said, it would be decided at the next executive council meeting.

"I cannot give any further comment because I need to see the reasons for the incident. I need to see the official report from Kedah Pesaka first," he added.

Sourced from


KANGAR, June 4 (Bernama) -- The Malaysian National Silat Federation (Pesaka) will investigate an allegation that silat exponents from Kedah who competed in the national junior meet that ended here today had been neglected.

Its Secretary General, Megat Zulkarnain Omardin, said Kedah Pesaka would also be asked to submit an official report on the incident as soon as possible.

Pesaka had come to know of the incident through the media, he told reporters after the closing of the six-day Fifth National Junior Championships here today.

Some 20 silat exponents from Kedah, including seven girls, were found staying at the Kampung Santan community hall without proper facilities since the tournament started on May 30.

A visit to the hall by the media in the morning and afternoon several days ago found that the athletes slept on mats and used their bags for pillows.

The girls stayed at a different building.

Megat Zulkarnain said he had received an initial report from Kedah Pesaka saying that the community hall was used as a training venue and not for accommodation.

"I will look at the Kedah Pesaka official report and take into consideration the media reports," he said.

He said he was disappointed over the incident as the Perlis government, the hosts, provided the best venue, accommodation and transportation.

Perlis provided accommodation at the Perlis Polytechnic in Pauh as well as transport facilities to the tournament venue at the Dewan 2020 here.

Megat Zulkarnain said he was afraid that the incident would prompt parents not to allow their children to take part in the national-level tournament after this.

On the action that can be taken on Kedah Pesaka for neglecting their athletes, he said, it would be decided at the next executive council meeting.

"I cannot give any further comment because I need to see the reasons for the incident. I need to see the official report from Kedah Pesaka first," he added.

Sourced from

02 June 2005

Martial arts for all pupils

KANGAR, Wed. - All schoolchildren in Perlis will soon be required to attend martial arts classes as part of co-curriculur activities.

This is aimed at instilling discipline among them and, hopefully, preventing them from falling victim to school bullies.

With such training and discipline, Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Shahidan Kassim said here today, students might not behave like the Fifth Formers at the Sekolah Menengah Agama Padang Tengku in Kuala Lipis, Pahang, who assaulted 13-year-old Mohd Afiq Qusyairi.

Reiterating his earlier calls to students to take up martial arts, Shahidan said he had always had high regard for those who practised martial arts "as they often display a high degree of discipline".

"Which is why it is imperative for our children to learn martial arts in schools. be it silat, karate or taekwondo," he said when officiating at the fifth National Silat Youth championships at Dewan 2020 here last night.

He did not say when the classes would begin, but it is understood that the state Education Department has made the necessary preparations in time for the second school term, which begins in two weeks. He said the State Government would recruit qualified instructors from the National Sports Council to teach martial arts in schools.

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