
30 April 2012

DPM calls for continuous effort to promote silat

KUALA LUMPUR: Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has called for a continuous effort to strengthen silat activities, saying the Malay martial art is capable of being a bulwark in defending the nation’s sovereignty and security.

He added that silat has an important role in the life and culture of the Malays not only in moulding their character but in the past, it had also been used by Malay warriors to defend their motherland.

“Silat, as a cultural heritage of the Malays, should continue to be promoted through various activities, combining the efforts of silat associations as well as members of the various silat disciplines,” he said at the Kuala Lumpur Badminton Stadium, here yesterday.

Muhyiddin also hailed the initiatives taken by the Malaysian National Silat Federation (Pesaka) in promoting the martial art.

He expressed the hope for such initiatives to be further intensified to ensure silat would continue to have a strong place in the society particularly among the young people.

Meanwhile, Muhyiddin also spoke about the gathering organised by an opposition-supported organisation on Saturday. He said the gathering was an effort by the opposition to poison the minds of the people ahead of the coming general election.

“We know what they are up to,” he said.

Muhyiddin also announced an allocation of RM150,000 to help Pesaka organise silat-related activities. On Pesaka’s request that a silat hall be set up in Kuala Lumpur, Muhyiddin said he would discuss the matter with their representatives. — Bernama

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29 April 2012

DPM welcomes Pesaka's intention as a defence frontline

Kuala Lumpur: Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin welcomed the intention of the National Silat Federation (Pesaka) to be installed as one of the country’s defence frontline.

Muhyiddin said the idea was well received to further enhance the security measures of the country to combat subversive elements from threatening its solidarity.

“The silat plays an important role in the Malay culture and the local warriors of the yesteryears or pendekars had practiced it to defend the country in times of adversity.” Thus, Muhyiddin said silat needs to be further popularised to spread the importance of the heritage.

“I hope that Pesaka would continue to organise more activities which appeal to the younger generation while promoting the art,” he said in his speech at the closing of the 16th National Silat Championship, at the Kuala Lumpur Badminton Stadium in Cheras, near here.

Muhyiddin, who is also the Education Minister, said he saw silat as an art which stressed on high discipline and mental strength.

“I believe that silat can be used to shape positive values and building characteristics among the youths. “It allows for positive values to be instilled into our younger ones and can help to prevent them from getting involved in misdeeds of sorts in this fast paced and borderless day and age.”

Muhyiddin also urged the various silat associations, in the country, to defend the Malay values and culture as well as uphold Islamic teachings in the course. He also announced RM 150,000 allocation in addition to RM 238,000 which would be channeled to Pesaka to help its efforts to promote silat.

“It is my hope that silat, which is a valuable heritage, can be put to good use to defend our country as well.”

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Rina defies doctor’s orders to regain national title

KUALA LUMPUR: Former world champion Rina Jordana took her rightful place as the queen of silat olahraga after defying the doctor’s orders to regain her national title at the 16th National Silat Championships at the KLBA Stadium in Cheras.

The 32-year-old Rina last won the national title in 2006 before quitting in 2007 – the same year she was crowned world champion – due to work commitments.

Although she did not have high hopes prior to the tournament, Rina was a cut above her rivals and dominated Kedah’s Nur Adilah Abdul Hamid in the final of the women’s Class B (50-55kg).

The five judges scored 17-9, 13-8, 15-4, 14-9, 17-12 in her favour despite Rina fighting with a broken toe.

“I honestly did not expect to win here because I have not been training regularly,” said Rina, who has also represented Malaysia in futsal.

“I’ve been playing more futsal of late but silat remains my first love. That’s why I decided to compete in the national championship.

“Unfortunately, I had to change my style in the semi-final and final and I couldn’t go on the attack because of the injury and it was my experience which helped me overcome my opponents.

“I am not sure if I will return to the national team but if I am given a chance I will give it a shot,” added Rina, who won a gold medal at the 2002 Asian Games when silat was a demonstration sport.

Meanwhile, 18-year-old Nur Jannah Alias was a big winner after walking away with three gold medals in the silat seni category.

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