
02 January 2000

Silat Tua - The Malay Dance of Life


Silat Tua - The Malay Dance of Life is a 120 page book published by Living Tradition Sdn Bhd in 2007 in English. Written by Zainal Abidin Shaikh Awab and Nigel Sutton, Silat Tua expounds on the philosophies, maxims and techniques of this ancient northern silat style.

Originally from Patani, Silat Tua has spread silently throughout the peninsula, especially in Pulau Pinang where guru Zainal, the author, now resides. Information kept secret for many years including practical meditation methods, animal and elemental (Fire, Air, Water, Earth) style silat and more are described in detail for the first time ever in this book.

Part of a trilogy, this is the first in the series which will provide the basics to learn before the next book Weapons of Silat Tua - Senjata Bangsa Jawi is published soon.

To preview the book, download the ebook here

For Malaysian buyers only
RM35.00 + RM10.00 (postage) =RM45.00
Click on this button to pay by Credit Card/ Paypal

Ebook Version (Coming Soon) - USD30.00


  1. Do you know when will this book be available (in the USA)? I'd love to get it now that I've signed up for the online training with the Shaikh...


  2. malay dance is amazing,Where can I buy that book is that already published? I'm from California I sell also black suits.
