
25 September 2000

Malaysia to demonstrate Silat Lincah in South Korea

KUALA LUMPUR, Sept 25 (Bernama) -- The Malaysian Silat Lincah Association (PSSLM) have been invited to demonstrate the sport in the The Third World Martial Arts Festival in Chungju, South Korea on Sept 28-Oct 4.

PSSLM president Datuk Abdul Fatah Iskandar said 11 exponents have been picked to give the demonstration.

"PSSLM are fortunate as the organisers' choice is Malaysia even though there are other countries especially Indonesia who are good in silat," he said at the function to hand over the national flag to the silat exponents bound for South Korea here today.

He said the exponents should utilise this opportunity in order to show the world that silat lincah was on par with the other forms of martial arts.

Thirty countries will be taking part in the biennial festival which has demonstrations of 60 various martial arts disciplines.

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