
02 August 2002

Still living in the Middle Ages

SILAT, the ancient Malay art of self-defence, has stoked the imagination in the 21st century, with more than 100 nations now practising the fighting style. Sadly, there are still some locals who are stuck in the Middle Ages. How else could one explain the actions of the Lincah Malaysia association, who threatened to walk out of the 12th National Championships on Wednesday following the loss of their exponent, Ismail Darus, the day before.

The association were unhappy that their protest was upheld but no rematch was ordered. This was despite the assurance given by the national body that Ismail would be given a second chance to earn a berth for the World Championships in Penang at year's end.

The National Silat Association (Pesaka) must throw the book at the guilty culprits when they hold their executive council later this month. Otherwise, it would seem like the national body are condoning such actions.

Silat is no stranger to controversy as there have been many cases of indiscipline in the past, and exponents have been thrown out of national camps. As such, Pesaka must now act on the responsible parties - even if it would mean that one or more national coaches are involved.

Pesaka secretary Megat Zulkarnain, who offered to quit his post as he is a member of Lincah Malaysia - even though he was not party to their actions - must also be persuaded to stay on. Although the national championships were hosted by Kuala Lumpur, it was Megat who saw to the smooth running of the tournament, which could have been chaotic at times.

With the World Championships just four months away, Pesaka must be seen to be strong and they need good leaders like Megat. It is just the bad hats like those from Lincah Malaysia, who eventually finished as overall champions, that should be suspended.

Written by GRAIG NUNIS
Sourced from

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