
17 June 2004

Brunei: Silat umpire course participants awarded

A certificate presentation for participants of the Silat umpire/jury course was held Tuesday at the multipurpose hall of the Menglait Sports Complex.

Participated by several expatriates, the course - which ran from June 11 to 15 - aimed to enhance skills as well as share the knowledge of a Silat umpire/jury.

On hand to award participants with certificates was the President of the Silat National Team Federation of Brunei Darussalam (PERSIB) cum guest of honour Pg Jaya Indera Pg Hj Moktar Putih bin Pg Hj Rajid, who is also Vice President of the Silat International Federation (PERSILAT).

The day also saw the Head of Silat Umpire/Jury Board Cikgu Dua bin Hj Gharib as well as Chairperson of the Board Pg Hj Metali bin Pg Hj Md Daud furnishing participants with words of wisdom.

Special awards were also presented to the best participants of the 5-day course.

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