
06 November 2007

Fighting For Change!

BALI, Indonesia. ( November 10, 2007 -- There are two organisations in Bali that represent the people more than any other. They are the organisations that were formed to teach Silat - an ancient martial art of the Balinese people. One is called Satria Muda Indonesia and the other is Kertha Wisesa.
For the first time in more than a generation these two organisations have joined together to welcome leaders from around the world to the UN Bali Conference on Climate Change from December 3rd 2007 until December 14th 2007.
It is the hope of these two organisations to present to the world their support for this historic conference through a Silat demonstration called "Fighting For Change!" We hope that these short demonstrations can transfer the determination and spirit of the Balinese people to the negotiators and delegates so that they may conclude a fair and just agreement to save our climate.
Silat Bali is primarily a defensive martial art practiced in almost every town and village by both men and women. It takes its forms from nature and has a deep philosophical basis. Meditation and a clean spirit is required to reach the higher standards of practice.
To commemorate this event we have launched a website at to host photos and more information about our aims. This website also contains images of the uniform worn by our Silat Bali masters.Masters of Silat wear loose black pants and a black tunic as with many martial arts. But when combined with the ceremonial Balinese head dress and traditional sarong; the effect is a unique and spectactular fighting costume.
Every Balinese will take great pride in seeing this representation of Bali and seeing their real life heros "Fighting For Change!"

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