
25 December 2007

Contributions needed for surgery

I invite readers of Silat Melayu: The Blog to generously contribute financial aid to Ustaz Saiful Muhammad of Silat Telapak Nusantara to help fund a minor surgery for his 11-year old son, Zulqarnain.

He needs RM2000 to complete the operation as soon as possible and aid, however little, will contribute greatly to covering the cost.

For more details on the operation and costs involved, you may contact me at webmaster[at]

Thank you to my beloved brother and friend of Silat Kuntau Tekpi USA who committed to covering part of the cost immediately after I informed him of the situation. Your sacrifice is an inspiration to me.


  1. Salam Brother Nadzrin

    The best I could do for now is spreading the word in my blog and other associates blog.

    I will pray for Ustaz Shaiful.


    Pok Nik

  2. Salam hormat Poknik,

    Thank you for your support. We'll pray together.

    Salam persilatan,

  3. i'll do my best to promote our it little n half-cooked [besa la, newbie...]
    go, go nadzrin!!!

  4. alamak...i think i put my comment for the wrong entry...d comment above was meant for d entry for senaman tua...terribly sorry...:(
