
30 January 2008

Final fight: When Hang Tuah killed Hang Jebat

Below is the story of how Hang Tuah killed his brother in arms, Hang Jebat. The account is difficult to verify, but many Melayu believe in the story implicitly. There are several variants to the tale, but I've selected the most popular one and provided video links to how several movies portrayed the battle. Salam persilatan.

The Story
Hang Jebat was the closest companion of the legendary Melayu hero Hang Tuah. He is well known for his vengeful rebellion against the Sultan of Melaka whom he served.

After Hang Tuah was sentenced to death, Hang Jebat was conferred by the Sultan of Melaka with the Taming Sari, a sacred keris formerly used by Hang Tuah. Believing that Hang Tuah was unjustly murdered by the Sultan he served, Hang Jebat turned against the Sultan to avenge his friend's death. No one knew, however, except the Bendahara who went against the Sultan's orders and hid Hang Tuah in a remote region of Malacca that he was still alive.

With the keris in his possession, Hang Jebat became invincible and there was not one person in the entire Melaka Empire who was capable of killing him. Hang Jebat's revenge had forced the Sultan of Melaka to abandon his palace. Jebat seduced the women of the palace and spent his days eating, drinking and sporting with them.

All the warriors sent by the Sultan to challenge him were killed.Even his friend Hang Kasturi was driven out when Hang Jebat realized that the other man hadn't come to join him in merrymaking.

After learning from the Bendahara that Hang Tuah was still alive, The Sultan had him recall Hang Tuah and gave Hang Tuah full amnesty. The Sultan then ordered Hang Tuah to kill Hang Jebat. Being unquestioningly loyal to the Sultan, Hang Tuah obeyed the Sultan's biddings and went on to challenge Hang Jebat.

After fighting in a battle that lasted for seven days, Hang Tuah eventually managed to reclaim the Taming Sari by tricking Hang Jebat. Although stabbed by Tuah, Hang Jebat bandaged his wounds and ran amuk in the city square for three days, killing thousands of people before retreating to Tuah's house and dying in his friend's arms.

Hang Jebat's famous quote was "Raja adil raja disembah, raja zalim raja disanggah" which literally means "A fair king is a king to obey, a cruel king is a king to fight against".

After the fight, The Sultan ordered his men to tear down, burn and throw the ashes of the house into the sea. Two months later, when a lady of the Bendahara's retinue gave birth to Jebat's son, the sultan ordered Hang Tuah to throw the baby into the sea as well. Instead, the laksamana entrusted the child, Hang Kadim, to the Bendahara.

Right now, most of the people agree that Hang Jebat was actually a very good man that put his friends first before him especially Hang Tuah as he treat Hang Tuah more like a brother and not just a friend.

Furthermore, in the story Hang Tuah was sentenced to death because he was accused of having affair with the royal servants which is forbidden at that time. Because of that he purposely seduced the woman of the palace. He stand because of his friends and he died on his friend's hand.

Sourced from Wikipedia

The Movies

1. "Hang Tuah"

2. "Hang Jebat"

3. "Tuah"

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