
12 January 2008

Objectives of learning silat

It has been acknowledged that among the common objectives of learning silat (my typical common objectives) are:

a) To defend - oneself, immediate family members, belongings, those in need and the nation in general.

b) Recreational/Sports & Self-Development (Physical and Mental)

c) perhaps - to delve into the mysteries and the unknowns whether they are of religious-related domains (i.e. Spiritual/Metaphysical) or simply crave for 'inner powers'.

In this century, internet has played an unquestionable role in promoting silat. Those who possesses keen interest in Silat can simply find abundance of information about them by one click in the search engines.

The good part about the internet in the context of silat promotion is that, the apprentice knows in advance what to be expected out of him/her such as the protocol between the master and the student and some form of brief explanation of what Silat is all about. (Example - is this article that Nadzrin speaks about giving some good tips or insight or overview of Silat)

Back to the common objectives of learning silat – factors (a) and (b) would always be the standard core reasons but factor (c) is usually initiated by certain strong influence that is related to the following:

a) Having watching movies or some stories or perhaps documentaries on television that are of silat and spiritual related aspects,

b) Knowing some friends or close relatives who somehow have demonstrated the 'spiritual forces/powers' that relates to silat.

c) Hearing stories about the 'mystical parts' of silat e.g. By God's Willing, you would be 'invulnerable' during the 'boiling oil bath' session.

d) Even, surprisingly, due to the urge to be 'recognized' in certain community in order not to be called some sort of 'weakling',

e) and the aspiration to become a 'new person' – usually from a 'bad guy' to a 'good guy'.

f) encouragement from close friends, relatives and even from parents who are silat practitioners themselves.

Whatever the reasons, I have discovered an interesting phenomenon, that for those who love challenges for the sake of both spiritual and physical strengths would always be the frontline in Silat. Nothing beats the awesome feeling of 'graduation'. It is when the practitioner feeling mixed excitement and nervousness at the same time.

“Can I pass or can't I?”

Of course, the 'level by level achievements' would really depends on the kind of silat that the practitioner is involved in. Most of the silats nowadays would produce their own modules to benchmark the performance and achievement but usually in the end, some masters would tell them that 'there is no ending in the journey of learning silat'.

In a way, it's like the conventional alma-mater graduation – the good lecturers would tell you 'to move on with life and be more matured or learning never ends.

Thanks Poknik for allowing me to post this as an article in my blog. I liked this article because it contrasted nicely with my rant in 'Monolog for a friend'.


  1. PART 2

    I like the 3 classification of standard methods - Impression, Expression, Activation respectively.

    What I can understand having reading the concepts are :
    a. Impression - is the method requiring standard module - e.g. the opponent punches, the person blocks.

    'Impression' in this sense is 'memorizing'.

    b. Expression - is the method requiring standard module on serving as reference -

    i) e.g. the opponent punches, the person blocks followed by counter attack. (the counter attack is not necessarily taught in the module).

    ii) e.g. why would sandbags be tied on legs while running on the sand by the seaside? - the answer would be probably to train your 'kicks' and 'jumps' much 'lighter' and 'agile' after a while of this gruelling training.

    It is also a form of leg exercise and would help in 'muscle building'.

    - thus 'Impression' is actually 'understanding' (why)

    c) Activation completes the Impression and Expression. It's like learning the silat history and become part of silat life evolution

    - thus 'Activation' is 'the way of life'.

    Whether the students like them or not, one factor cannot survive without the other factor complementing it.

    To become a really good student, he/she must undergo all the 3 phases without skipping any one of them.


  2. Salam hormat Poknik,

    Interesting exposition. Can't wait to read more. May I republish this article?

    Salam persilatan,

  3. Hi Nadzrin

    In Star Trek TOS, Captain Kirk of the Starship USS Enterprise NCC-1701A said to Captain Sulu of Starship USS Excelsior :

    "As much as the crew of the Enterprise, I owe you my thanks"

    Morpheus also said to Neo in 'The Matrix'

    Neo : It's an honour (meeting you)

    Morpheus : NO, the honour is MINE.

    So, I would say :

    "As many as the numbers of bloggers in the world today as we speak, I owe you my thanks and feel so honoured and touched having my humble articles/write-up to be highlighted by an honourable person like you in this honourable domain!!"

    Yeah, I bet, you would say :

    "Pok Nik, I got no money to pay 'apple polishers'"

    So, please, by all means, I'm authorizing you the executive permission to go ahead publishing any of my past and future articles anywhere and in any way you like (even editing) for knowledge sake.

  4. Salam hormat Poknik,

    I know I'm right on this one. The NCC-1701A wasn't commissioned until Star Trek IV.

    In The Original Series, NCC-1701 was commissioned for a 5 year exploration flight and continued its run right through Star Trek The Motion Picture (when it was outfitted with a new generation warp drive) until Star Trek III when it was due for decommission.

    However, since Admiral Kirk had by then been involved in breaking so many federation laws, the federation had to demote him to Captain and (because of his stellar service and the fact that he saved Earth from the interstellar killer whales) put him in charge of a brand spanking new starship, the first of its class, the NCC-1701A, also bearing the moniker, Enterprise.

    I hope this clears up the matter.

    Salam Star Trek,

    P.S. Yes, Jeff, it is geek day. Sorry for that.

  5. I knew that you're a TREKKIE!!

    The 'historical' conversation took place near end of the last movie Star Trek VI, The Undiscovered County where Sulu was the Captain of the U.S.S. Excelsior (which Scotty once sabotaged during the then 'Admiral Kirk's' mission to save and resurrect Spock in Star Trek - The Search for Spock)

    I recalled touching moments after Captain Kirk thanked Sulu, there was an instruction to decommission Enterprise A. And Spock told Kirk that if he's (100%) human, he would probably respond to the instruction as 'Go to Hell'.

    But overall, old and new, Star Trek will always be my favourite sci-fi.(not's a sci-fi that may reflect the future)

    Ok Ok..let's not turn this Silat Melayu blog into a trekkie blog, I know that many pesilats here are wondering "What are you guys TALKING ABOUT??"


    p.s. I remember my 'grandmaster' (I think you know who he is) was giving me a dissertation on light/nur and laser attributing to the creation of 'other beings' apart from human. He was also 'briefing' me of temporal theories, quantum physics etc.

    Suddenly the word and the 'mental picture' of the warp drive and how it works came into my mind.

    Surprisingly, my 'grandmaster' paused, looked at me and said:

    "Yes, it's just like what you see on TV!!"

    I was stunned!! (A crazy idea came to me (besides than thinking he might have read my mind) - Is my grandmaster watching Star Trek??)
