
07 May 2008

Silat coaching seminar ends with 17 passes

Guest of honour in a group picture with the participants

A ceremony was yesterday held to mark the closing of the week-long 'National Coaching Silat Class 3 2008' at the Dewan Kuliah of the National Stadium.

The event saw National Silat Federation (PERSIB) President Pg Jaya Indera Pg Hj Mokhtar Puteh bin Pg Hj Rajid as the guest of honour.

Only 17 of the 33 participants passed the Coaches and Trainers Assessment. Meanwhile, three participants - Shahril bin Hj Mayalin, Pg Hj Md Shahepol Radin bin Pg Hj Tejudin and Dk Nani Suriayati bte Pg Hj Husain - were awarded for being the Best Silat Coaches.

The seminar was organised by the Youth and Sports Department with cooperation from the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, and the National Pencak Silat Federation (PERSIB).

The aim of the seminar was to upgrade the quality of coaches in the sport, ensuring that they are of the highest caliber to train would-be martial artists in the sport of pencak silat - especially for international, national and regional competitions.

Pg Hj Md Shahepol Radin bin Pg Hj Tejudin (left),
Shahril bin Hj Mayalin (middle)
and Dk Nani Suriayati bte Pg Hj Husain
were awarded for being the best coaches.

Sourced from


  1. There was a Silat coaching class???

    Dude...Someone pick up the phone next time. If nothing else, I could have brought kopi tarik for the judges.

  2. Salam hormat,

    Bro, judge bribing is exactly what we're trying to get rid of in silat... what? Wrong context? Oops... sorry.

    Salam persilatan,
