
02 May 2008

A sinless gift

It is my extreme pleasure to introduce to the world, my first born princess, Nur Alisha bt Mohd Nadzrin. She is the light in our lives and marks the beginning of a new generation in our family.
She was born 2.8kg (6.16 pounds) at 11.20pm, 2nd May 2008 at Damansara Damai Medical Centre in Selangor, Malaysia. She is perfectly healthy and immediately took in her surroundings with gusto. People have asked me how it feels. "Love at first sight" is my answer.
My princess, when I held you, I cried, not because I don't love you, but I marvelled at how such a sinful man could ever be given such a sinless gift. Take only the good from me and leave behind the bad. I will protect you with all my strength and power. You have given me the period in my knowledge, the comma in my efforts and the parentheses in my love.
I now know what those wise men said of silat. It is of no use when there is nothing to serve, it is of no importance when there is nothing to protect and it is of no consequence when there is no one to love.
I thank the prayers that my teachers, mentors, friends and family have honoured us with. Your knowledge, your wisdom and your guidance will benefit her and those that follow. Amin.

Original Article by Mohd Nadzrin Wahab


  1. Al Hamdulilah.

    God Bless you and your entire family my Brother. Your life will never be the same now.

    We love you!


  2. Salam.

    Yes. Jeff's right when he says that you're life will never be the same again...

    Congratulations. I imagine you'll have some sleepless nights, but believe me you'll fondly remember it for years to come! Fathers will have it no other way. Anugerah dan amanah ILlahi- InsyaAllah we all pray for your family's well being!

  3. My Bro! Alhamdulillah!

    1. Now DON'T screw up! Terrified? Yes, BE! Heh heh.

    2. Hey, you didn't shoot blanks after all!!!


  4. khas utk saudara ku nadzrin,

    selamat menjejak kaki ke kelab... :-)

    semoga sentiasa di rahmati Allah SWT

    lan tekpi

  5. Congrats! I'm so happy for you and Kak Asa. Comeii!!!

  6. Salam hormat to all,

    Thanks you for your wishes. It's a strange feeling that can't be described in words. Amazing. I'm back to the keyboard, but current work commitments might keep me busy.

    However, I'm preparing some articles to be put up soon, so, if this blog still has readers, then bear with me for a little longer, guys. Thanks.

    Salam persilatan,
