
21 June 2008

Five do Malaysia proud at symposium

A total of five members of the Pertubuhan Seni Silat Ikatan Kalam Utama Malaysia (PIKUM) had participated in the 16th Martial Arts Annual International Symposium at San Antonio, Texas, USA, recently.

The event was organised by the World head of Family Sokeship Council (WFHSC), an international body representing grand masters in all martial arts disciplines worldwide that is based in Florida, USA.

The symposium was an international event attended by martial arts practitioners in all disciplines such as San Jitsu, Ju Jitsu, Seicho Jutsu, Aiki Tora Ryu, Jeet Kume Do, Gati Chi, American Sambo and Seni Silat Kalam. More than 1,000 participants took part.

PIKUM delegates representing Malaysia received awards for their contributions in the martial arts world. They were Grandmaster Prof Dr Zahalan Man who was awarded Historical Member Award and Datuk Shahul Hamid M.A. Bakar (National Leadership Award).

The other three were Sheikh Shahawal 'Ali Sheikh Kamaruddin (National Convention Leadership Award), MR Mohan Ratha (International Convention Leadership Award) and Dr Farukh Abdullah (Peace Leadership Award).

The organiser also awarded Tourism Minister Datuk Seri Azalina Othman and Youth and Sports Minister Datuk Ismail Sabri Yaakob with the International Leadership Award as a tribute to their leadership.

The Malaysia delegation had participated in all main components mainly exhibition, workshop and seminar, competition and demonstrations, gala night dinner and handing over of the WFHSC highest award.

PIKUM is organising an exhibition to promote the 18th World Peace Congress event and 1st International Martial Arts Festival 2008 to be held at Sunway Resort Hotel and Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre from Oct 29 to 31. It is aimed at promoting Malaysia among martial arts practitioners.

Sourced from

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