
23 September 2008

Words of wisdom

Today, I thought I'd share with you some words of wisdom from those people who have influenced my life in silat the most. They have shaped my outlook and helped my decisions and in many ways, have made me what I am today. Along with my family, they are my other fathers, and I'm sure my late father would approve. Here are my favourite sayings of my masters and their masters before them.

1. Mahaguru Yahya Said - Silat Kalimah

"Berlapik Berlantai Bentang Tikar Tiga Helai Cari Seorang Cerdik, Seorang Pandai, Seorang Juara Di Tengah Balai Ke Gunung Sama Didaki, Ke Lurah Sama Dituruni Berat Sama Dijunjung Ringan Sama Dijinjing Hati Gajah Sama Dilapah, Hati Tuma Sama Dicecah Ayam Ditambat Mesti Diberi Makan"

Translation: "A Covered Floor , Spread Out Three Carpets Find An Intelligent Man, A Skillful Man and a Champion In The Middle of the Court To The Mountains We Climb Together, To The Valleys We Descend Together The Heavy Load We Lift Together, The Light Load We Carry Together An Elephant's Heart We Cleave Together, A Flea's Heart We Dip Together A Tied Rooster Has To Be Fed."

Meaning: It talks about unity, community and leadership. The Melayu say: never sleep on a bare floor, so having three carpets indicates formality and norms in a community. The three qualities of a leader or leaders: intelligence, skill and a champion are the bare minimum needed to ensure positive growth. A rooster is a proud champion in his own right, but if you select him as your leader (i.e. tying him down), his livelihood is your responsibility.

2. Guru Eusoff Ali (Pak Johari) - Silat Kalimah

"Hang ingat Allah bagi semua kat hang saja ka? Aku pun Dia ada kasi..."

Translation: "Do you really think Allah gave you everything? He gave me some too..." (basically what he likes to say to an opponent at a face off).

3. Ustaz Hanafi Haji Ahmad - Silat Cekak

"Pakai Tak Pakai, Tak Pakai"

Meaning: Counter the enemy's movements by following his movement's, not opposing them. What he uses (pakai), you don't use (tak pakai), and what he uses (tak pakai), you use (pakai).

4. Tuan Guru Md Radzi Haji Hanafi - Silat Cekak Hanafi

"Belajar silat mulanya dari jam kunci, lama-lama jadi jam digital"

Translation: Learning silat begins from being a wind up clock but later ending up as a digital clock.

5. Guru Jamaludin Shahadan - Silat Sendeng Haji Hamid

"Senjata makan tuan, maksudnya tuan tak reti guna senjata"

Translation: A weapon that hurts its owner means the owner isn't competent to wield the weapon! Full story here

6. Ustaz Ahmad Che Din - Silat Abjad

"Berkorbanlah, jangan sampai terkorban sekali"

Transation: You may sacrifice, just don't be sacrificed.

Meaning: Do what you need to achieve your objectives but keep in control and ensure you can continue the battle and not die meaninglessly.

7. Guru Azlan Ghanie - Silat Melayu Keris Lok 9

"Biar dia tidak tahu kita menjirus air ke atas dia, tahu-tahu saja dia dah basah"

Translation: It's unnecessary for him to know when we pour water over him, all that matters is that he gets wet.

Meaning: A student doesn't need to know the process he needs to go through to learn, nor know what the master intends to teach him. All that matters is that he gains knowledge.

Original Article by Mohd Nadzrin Wahab


  1. salam bro..ape relation nye jam digital dgn silat? x ngerti ni...

  2. bapak guru aku pun selalu berpesan ...tapi

    "kita burung yang berada di dalam sangkar yang sedang mencari jalan keluar"

  3. Salam hormat Djambu,

    Kalau nak tahu, kenalah belajar... hehehehe... Apa beza jam kunci dan jam digital? Itulah jawapannya.

    Salam persilatan,

  4. Salam hormat Nizam,

    Bila blog Gerak Ilham hang tu nak update? Aku nak link kat sini ni.

    Eid Mubarak!

    Salam persilatan,
