
03 January 2009

Keris Al-Toir for sale

Ustaz Saiful Muhammad of Pertubuhan Seni Silat Telapak Nusantara Malaysia is currently putting up his keris Al-Toir for sale.

The weapon is almost 20 years old with a 33cm blade and 9 loks. Although the design is obviously Pattani, but the keris was made in Johor by a Bugis empu and carries subtle Bugis influences. The pamor is fine and clearly visible.

The hulu is an avian Tajung design which gives the keris its name, Al-Toir ("bird" in Arabic). The owner reports that the keris has religious significance, which will be explained to the new owner upon transfer of ownership.

The opening price of sale is RM900.00

For more information, please contact Ustaz Saiful at +6019 631 5668 or


  1. nice looking keris. is there any keris that is more affordable..say below RM300 but still have the significant malay trademark such as lok 9 or lok 7?

  2. Salam hormat,

    Yes, for RM300 you can find many of them at Ahmad Toko Antik in Kuala Lumpur. Just call 019-357 7273 (Kak Nora) to inquire.

    Salam persilatan,
