
01 June 2009

MPSJ tears down illegal silat fighting ring

The Subang Jaya Municipal Council (MPSJ) demolished the illegal silat fighting ring at USJ 1/4 on Friday.

A team of 30 enforcement officers, led by building department director Nor Azmi Mohd Rosli and assistant enforcement officer Tarmidi Kadri, took down the hoardings that were used to cordon off the area.

Armed with electrical saws, the officers also removed a hut which was standing at a corner of the fenced-up land located at Jalan USJ 1/4L.

An electrical wire connecting to the kindergarten next to the land was also cut off.

On May 11, StarMetro highlighted this case after being alerted by the residents who were unhappy that this structure had deprived them of the land for recreation.

A spokesperson from the building department said notice was issued to the culprit on May 22, notifying that the structure is illegal and should be removed.

Then, a notice to demolish the structure was issued on May 25 and the culprits were given three days to take down the structure.

“They promised to remove the structure on Friday morning but failed to do so.

“Hence, MPSJ president Datuk Adnan Md Ikshan instructed us to demolish the structure in the afternoon,” the spokesperson said.

Residents’ association chairman Jessica Teh said she was thankful to the MPSJ for acting on the residents’ complaint.

“It shows that they care for the residents. I am happy that our children can play at this site again in the evening,” she said.

Sourced from

1 comment:

  1. Salam bro. Nadzrin

    It's been quite a while since I've written my last comment. I must apologize to you that I'm pretty stucked myself in the networks that I've created. But alas, it's my job to do so - thus I've to show some commitment - otherwise it would become a static blog.

    It's very interesting reading the news about illegal silat rings been demolished by the authorities.

    I've bumped into these issues before not only with silat rings but using the mosque and surau/madrasah for religious activities belonging to certain Silat Associations. (Readers, I'm not mentioning don't get jittery)

    I've even helped solved the problems. I found out that certain 'leaders' are not adhering to the rules set by the authorities.

    I find this very odd when these silats are registered under associations where associations are bound to regulations. (let alone those without registrations)

    How can you follow the regulations at one time and break another?

    "Better"...when they are being 'attacked' by authorities which have been quite lenient on them by sending prior notices to stop the 'illegal' activity, they fight back by means of special prayers and implying/branding the authorities as 'bad guys against religion and silat' in using 'draconian ways'.

    I asked them if they have obtained permits from the authorities, police etc because this ring you're about to do is amidst the public and furthermore involving use of real 'parang','pedang' or 'keris'? No one seems to know that the heck am I talking about.(gosh) me personally I find this is very very wrong. First thing, we are not at war or 'darurat' ('extenuating circumstances' - rite?) that we are forced to takeover a place.

    Why on the first place register as association when you don't want to follow rules? I've reminded these 'small group of people' that Allah SWT would not likely grant the blessing without a 'cause' (asbab) and that 'cause' in this context are 'regulations and rules'. You don't talk about spiritual things in association meetings or record them in the minutes of the meetings?

    Apart from the ring, there are also reports coming to me that 'certain people including their leaders' are 'taking over' mosques, suraus and madrasahs which belong to the public WITHOUT asking proper permission from the Kariah and even Imam.

    This is very-very unIslamic and it makes these people look like 'uncivilized'.

    I wish to take this opportunity to offer a small piece of humble advice, just follow the rules, then you 'make noise' if authorities still come after you. (even complaints have procedures) We have websites, we have blogs, we have other associations following the law - look around you, we are in a different age and time...learn to live with it.


    Pok Nik
