
25 March 2011

Silat Motivation Programme

A Self-Excellence Motivation Programme: Self-Defence Silat Suffian, aims to motivate young the generation in increasing their self-confidence to become more positive in facing challenges. The programme was held this afternoon at the Youth Centre in the capital.

Speaking at the event, the Acting Director of Youth and Sports, Awang Haji Abdul Malik noted that the programme is hoped to act as incentive to local youths to possess strong spirit and determination pertaining to race, religion and nation building.

A motivational talk was delivered by the Founder of the self-defence, SSBD, Awang Morlahnie bin Mornie. He also staged a martial-art demonstration. Well-known as Maul Mornie, the founder has toured several places and countries in efforts to introduce such martial art and Brunei Darussalam as well as to promote the arts culture of Bruneians self-defence. The programme was organised by the Youth and Sports Department.

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