
30 May 2008

No bias judging, say hosts Terengganu

Terengganu have given an assurance that there will be no bias judging in their favour in the silat competitions at the Terengganu Sports Arch in Gong Badak from June 2-8.

Silat team manager Alias Abas said that their 29 exponents had worked hard for the Games and would earn success on merit.

“I admit that we have an edge in competing at our usual training venue. And the home support will lift the spirits of our exponents to perform better. But that is all there is to our advantage as the hosts,” he said.

“If we win gold medals, it would all be due to our exponents' skills and hard work. I can assure the other teams that there will be a level playing field in the silat competitions.”

Pahang, who supply a steady stream of talented young exponents to the national squad, are the dominant force in Sukma.

“Pahang have ruled the roost in Sukma silat but I feel that the other states, including Terengganu, have caught up. No single state will dominate this time,” said Alias.

Terengganu have set a modest target to win four gold medals but their chief coach, Shahrul Fahmi, believes that his exponents are capable of winning more than that from the 23 at stake.

“We disbanded the team immediately after the disappointment of winning only one gold medal at the last Sukma in Kedah. We brought in new talent and I believe that our two-year preparation will bear fruit next week,” he said.

“The advantage with the present squad is that they are all Sukma debutants and will not be psychologically affected by past failures. They are also all fired up to impress in front of the home crowd.”

Terengganu will compete in all the 23 events – eight seni (performannce) and 15 olahraga (combat). They are pinning their hopes on the seni exponents, among them Masnidah Zakaria, Kamillah Sulong, Noryana Mohammad and Mohd Fadli Ismail.

Sourced from

28 May 2008

Of articles and encylopedia

I got a nasty IM message the other day from my best friend (you can tell it's nasty because he started with "Woi!") berating me for being away from this blog for so long.

I told him, I haven't been away. I have, in fact been posting almost every other day, to which he replies, "Write something!" Ahhh... it took me a while to realise, that I haven't actually written anything of my own for a while, meaning my "An original article by Mohd Nadzrin Wahab" graphic hasn't been making an appearance.

Things have been pretty hectic, and since this is not a personal blog, but a blog about silat, I'm obliged to write only about silat, even though my opinions on politics, corporate training and the social sciences have been appearing elsewhere on the net.

Ever since my daughter arrived, my attention has been diverted somewhat and quite a few things have been put on hold indefinitely. There was a promise to study an ancient silat style from a guru I deeply respect, but haven't had the opportunity to fulfill (I will get there one day!)

I've also had several ideas for articles, and could probably write them on the fly, but desperately need to find the sources to support my reasoning. It's very dangerous to write anything about silat and culture without proper references, even anecdotal ones.

What shouldn't be difficult is fiction, thus the second thing I was berated on was the halting of the The Azure Keris series. Thing is, I told my friend, I'm not sure anyone was actually reading them since I never I got comments for those posts. I could actually just be wasting my time writing it. (And by the way, gushing comments from JD, Ustaz and Djambu don't count. They're just nice people).

So, if you want to see The Azure Keris continue, do give me your comments. What do you want to see, what do you hate about it, what cultural errors exist, etc. In any case, the series was a long time in the making and whether or not this blog existed, I had always wanted to write it, as a sort of tribute to my masters and those people who shared their knowledge with me. There was always a very clear end in mind with a definite fate for Pak Din and Saiful.

Other articles that I've planned are those concerning Islam, Pukulan Jarak Jauh, Silat Abjad, practical methods of the Keris, evolution of silat through the ages, kuntau and silat, etc. If you have any other ideas, do drop me a mail.

I've been having interesting discussions with Ustaz Saiful of Silat Telapak Nusantara and I wish, I wish, I wish I could publish them! But Jeff, now I know how you feel!

In any case, whoever misses the opportunity to study with Ustaz will have missed seeing true Silat Melayu in action. I have seen some silat claiming to be keris arts, but what Ustaz has in his home is amazingly authentic. Look for his videos on YouTube and you'll see what I mean.

For those who regularly reads the comments will know that a local film company is doing a documentary on silat, and I'm proud to say that guru Shamsudin SM Salim of the United States Gayong Federation is once again involved. They might be doing a piece on Gayong in Malaysia. I'll definitely keep you updated on that.

One piece of good news though, several months ago, I was approached by Editions Didier Millet, a publishing house specialising in high-end social studies books to write an entry on Silat for the Encyclopedia of Malaysia.

My editor called me last week to inform me that the official launching ceremony will be on the 18th of June 2008. I'm expected to attend the function, but might have to give it a miss, due to work contraints. I'd love to be there.

The book is now out in the market and they have sent me a copy, albeit to my former workplace. I have yet to see it personally. I'll put up some scans as soon as I get it.

But for now, my apologies again to all if you've expected to read anything original from me these last few weeks. I'll burn rubber as soon as my schedule frees up again. Promise. Until then, salam persilatan,

Original Article by Mohd Nadzrin Wahab

25 May 2008

Silat Gayang Lima vs Silat Setiabakti

On 10th May 2008, Perguruan Silat Melayu Keris Lok 9 held a seminar on 'Sembah Salam DiRaja - Adat, Adat & Istiadat' where participants were enlightened about the Melayu Royalty, cultures and heritage which originated thousands of years ago blended with the best of societies's high moral and ethnic values.

Through the years, the Melayu race and culture expanded from Sind in Nothern India and Hadramaut in Southern Arabia inheriting along the way, fine cultures of the Tartars, Nablus and even Turks.

In the 13th and 15th century, the Melayu Kingdom of Pasai and Melaka respectively signified the majesticity of the Melayu race. The Melayu empire went on to expand throughout the Melayu Archipelago. There are less than 25 monarchies left in today's world. 10 of them are in Malaysia and Brunei. In short, the Melayu race were exposed to the high and noble Brahmin cultures while holding steadfastly to the faith of Islam.

The imperial glories of Pasai (Northern Sumatra) and Melaka have long past us but we still have the present monarchies and values that we must serve and uphold with our lives.

"Tak Melayu hilang didunia".

The way we interact and address others, the clothings that we used to wear, the finesse of our craftsmanship, the humbleness and bravery of a God fearing race seem to have faded away in today's Melayu society. We like to think that we will live forever in this world. Acquire wealth, enjoy life and forget about sins.

When the time comes for us to die, we suddenly realise or even not, that it was all worthless unless we leave behind 3 things, knowledge which benefit others, children who never fail to pray for us and wealth which we have provided for those in need. Nevertheless, the one unique thing which differentiates the Melayu race from others is Silat.

The night before seminar, Guru Azlan Ghanie of Silat Melayu Keris Lok 9 extended an invitation for Guru Dahlan's Silat Setiabakti to perform during their 'selempang' awards ceremony on the next night. Only Cikgu Hamidi of Silat Setiabakti came along with Guru Dahlan for this seminar.

It was fine if Cikgu Hamidi had performed the Langkah Panglima of Silat Setiabakti alone. I suddenly came up with an idea, why don't we perform as two Silat systems and 'clash' as one? The idea was accepted. Seni Silat Setiabakti performed on one stage with Seni Silat Gayang Lima.

Alhamdulillah, the presentation went well and I humbly extend the video footage for your viewing pleasure. Please pardon the poor quality though. Until next time, Wassalam.

By Mr TM

Edited from

24 May 2008

Terengganu Banking On Puteri Ganda Pair In Pencak Silat

KUALA LUMPUR, May 24 (Bernama) -- Terengganu are banking on two women pencak silat competitors, Kamilah Sulong and Maslinda Zakaria, to help them achieve a 4-4-6 medal tally for the silat events at the 12th Sukma (Malaysia Games) that will be held in Kuala Terengganu from May 29 till June 9.

The duo, nicknamed as "Puteri Ganda" and hail from Kampung Jeram Manir in Kuala Terengganu, have been on winning streak since year displaying sterling performances at the Kelantan Open 2006, the Women's Games (Sukan Wanita, the Penang Festival Open and the latest in the Teluk Danga International Games in Johor Bharu in February.

Chief coach Alias Abas spoke highly of them as the hosts aim for a 4-4-6 tally in pencak silat - which offers 23 gold, 23 silvers and 38 bronze in the sports carnival."Kamilah and Maslinda are in top form. They have four titles to their credit and I am confident they will bag their fifth," Alias told Bernama here Saturday.

This is the first Sukma for Maslinda, 22, who is very excited to make her debut in the biennial games in front of her home fans, while Kamilah, 23, is appearing in her second after making her debut in Kedah two years ago.

"We are very close... more like sisters. We have trained very hard for this year's Sukma and hopefully we can deliver the goods in front of our home fans," said Kamilah.

By Hilary Sebastian

Sourced from

20 May 2008

Assemblyman: Publish books on Silat

Silat experts have been urged to help “immortalise” the martial art steps and techniques in books.

Telok Bahang assemblyman Datuk Seri Dr Hilmi Yahaya said it was high time the traditional Melayu martial art was documented for reference.

“There is now no booklet or documentation that shows the silat movements in graphics.

“We need proper documents to disseminate knowledge and instil interest in this traditional martial art,” he said after opening the 5th Tak Melayu Hilang Di Dunia programme at Kampung Terang in Balik Pulau, Penang, recently.

He said masters in the arena should take the initiative to publish such books.

Dr Hilmi also urged the Malays in the villages to strive towards excellence.

“We must excel in whatever we do. But we should not be extreme,” he said, adding that Melayu unity was important to maintain stability.

Sourced from

19 May 2008

Museum Day 2008

In conjunction with Museum Day 2008, the National Museum of Malaysia is organising cultural activities for visitors. Most relevant to fans of silat are the Keris Cleaning and Silat Lincah demonstrations. All are invited!

Venue: Open Stage & Gallery 2, Department of Museums Malaysia

May 21st (Wednesday)
10.30 am - Sabah Dance
11.00 am - Demo of Cleaning up the Keris
2.00 pm - Traditional Music: Sompoton (Sabah)
3.30 pm - Sarawak Dance

May 22nd (Thursday)
10.30 am - Joget Dance
11.00 am - Demo of Cleaning up the Keris
2.00 pm - Traditional Music: Bungkau (Sabah)
3.30 pm - Zapin Dance

May 23rd (Friday)
10.30 am - Sabah Dance
11.00 am - Demo of Cleaning up the Keris
2.00 pm - Traditional Music: Suling (Sabah)
3.30 pm - Sarawak Dance

May 24th (Saturday)
10.30 am - Joget Dance
11.00 am - Batik/Textile Parade, UiTM
1.00 pm - Batik/Textile Parade, UiTM
2.00 pm - Silat Lincah Performances
3.30 pm - Live Band, Police Museum

16 May 2008


Parang tidak sebarang parang,
Parang Melayu bersepuh tangkainya;
Garang tidak sebarang garang,
Jika tidak dengan hemahnya.

Selasih bukan sebarang selasih,
Di tengah laman lebat daunnya;
Kasih bukan sebarang kasih,
Jika bukan sepenuh hatinya.

Lebah bukan sebarang lebah,
Membawa madu banyak gunanya;
Sembah bukan sebarang sembah,
Sembah Melayu dengan taatnya.

Kelat bukan sebarang kelat,
Kelat mengkudu ada khasiatnya;
Silat bukan sebarang silat,
Silat Melayu kaya falsafahnya.

By Noraini Abd. Shukor

Sourced from

14 May 2008

The Palace still appreciates silat

On the 10th of May 2008, the Sembah Diraja: Adat, Adab & Istiadat Melayu seminar was held at Cherating Bay Resort and was honoured by the presence of Dato' Sri Wan Hj. Abdul Wahid Wan Hj. Hassan, the Orang Kaya Indera Pahlawan and Vice President of the Pahang Islamic and Melayu Customs Council who is also a Silat Melayu Keris Lok Sembilan advisor. His presence proved that the relationship between palace and silat remain strong in modern times.

In the seminar, he explained the customs, ceremonies and protocols in audience with a sultan, dress codes, the history of the sultanate beginning from the Ummayad Caliphate, the Abbasid Caliphate all the way down to the geneaology of the present Sultan of Pahang.

He extrapolated on the topic "Why the Melayu cannot rebel against the Sultan". The event closed with a Keris Seminar by guru Azlan Ghanie followed by a poolside silat performance.

The event was further honoured by the presence of the Pencak Silat Sangkar Rewana gendang Pahang group. The performance was initiated by cikgu Mazlan Haji Hashim followed by the performance of Selangkah Guru by Silat Melayu Keris Lok Sembilan representatives. The performance was wrapped up by Cikgu Zul Mat Lela from Pencak Silat Sangkar Rewana.

Dato' Seri Wan Hj. Abdul Wahid was impressed by the performance, and couldn't resist playing together with the music group. According to Cikgu Mazlan, he is also very well informed in Silat Melayu. There are no limits to his appreciation of silat.

According to guru Azlan Ghanie, Dato' Sri Wan plans to gather 200 individuals from several silat schools to request and audience with the Sultan of Pahang. May the relationship between the palace and silat continue and prove the relevance of silat in the eyes of the Sultan.

Translated from

12 May 2008

Silat exponents primed for Terengganu mission

KUCHING: Sarawak’s silat team is ready to face the challenges in the upcoming Sukma 2008 in Terengganu, from May 31 to June 9, says head coach Robin Syah Ghaffar.

Syah, who is originally from Bandung, Indonesia, has been coaching the exponents for almost four years.

The squad consists of 59 members including officials, and will participate in 23 different events.

“We have started our intensive training since January and we will keep it up until the very last moment,” said Syah during a friendly at Rumpun Silat Centre, Batu Kawa here yesterday.

He mentioned that previously the team lacked distancing, making the first move and stealing points from opponents.

But in terms of endurance, power and agility, he was confident the exponents would be well-equipped.

He said: “I would like to thank Sarawak State Sports Council for getting involved in the training. They have provided gym (training) to further enhance the physical preparation for the upcoming Sukma.”

According to Syah, to give an extra edge for the squad, the State sent five of the finest — Mohd Rudy Daud, Hairel Nizam, Mod Nosri, Amy Bohram and Hamzah Sulaiman — to train at Jawa Barat, Bandung with Padepokan Seri Wangi silat school.

The five will meet tough competition from Pahang, Selangor and the hosts.

“Pahang is the strongest team. They have bagged the majority of gold medals in previous Sukmas,” Syah said.

“We hope that this year we are able to get two gold medals. That is our target for Sukma and we will try our very best,” he said.

He said the squad might have a good chance of bagging gold judging by their previous performance in the Johor Open at Danga Bay.

Sarawak managed to get one gold in Class G and two bronzes in Class A.

The tournament involved all states except Sabah, and with the participation of Indonesia.

Indonesia sent exponents from Acheh, Riau, Kalimantan Timur and Jawa Tengah, all serious opponents for the participating teams from Malaysia.

As for the leading star of the Sarawak squad Alice Bagat, he said, had fully prepared herself physically and mentally to perform in Terengganu.

She will be participating in the Jurus Wajib Putri event alongside Magdeline Manjah and Deborah Ayom. The event is all about synchronisation of movements.

Their toughest adversaries will be from Johor, Kuala Lumpur and Perak.

Alice, a 21-year-old Iban from Kampung Selepang Tiga, Kapit, has made the State proud by netting gold medals in the two previous Sukmas. She represented the country in the British Open 2006 in London and secured a silver, and participated in friendlies in Belgium and other countries.

She has been involved in silat for nearly 10 years and is currently studying at Matang Polytechnic.

The secretary general of Rumpun Silat Sarawak (RSS) Mohd Haneef Ali said the Johor Open was a good exposure and experience for the participating teams.

The Indonesian side will be competing in the Pekan Olahraga Nasional Indonesia, an event which is similar to the Sukma.

He also agreed that Sarawak had potential to shine as in previous Sukmas, the exponents were rewarded with runner-up positions.

Written by Fitzpatrick Ricky
Sourced from

10 May 2008

The Might of The Keris

Keris Panca Warisan. What a magnificent name for a Keris. It is claimed that it almost brought the downfall of the Barisan Nasional in the recent General Elections.

Yes indeed ladies and gentlemen, it wasn't the blatant arrogance of the UMNO leaders campaigning in their flashy cars, showing off their corporate friends from the City promising to bring vast development translating into a higher cost of living in an already comfortable area; It wasn't the reckless eagerness of candidates forcing the PM's hand to allow them to stand in constituencies they have no business contesting in, thereby denying the local leaders who were much, much more deserving the privilige to serve; It wasn't the brash leaders of one or two component parties within the Barisan Nasional who were behaving like the opposition in residence while the DAP were the opposition in exile, questioning openly the government's stand on several issues discarding the opportunity to discuss it in the weekly Cabinet meetings.

No, it wasn't the failure of the other component parties to convince their constituents to consider the good work they have done for the community and not the petty antics of a youth leader who was merely trying to inject spirit into his members in an annual general assembly.

No, it wasn't the major failure of a feared leader who has ruled his party with an iron fist for more than 20 years to improve the economic status of his people, but whose family lives very comfortably nontheless, leading to his community spreading their discontent on the Streets of Ampang.

No it wasn't the failure of a leader who didn't take obvious pre-emptive measures over seditious remarks that led to an open and violent demonstration that literally cracked the head of a police personnel.

The list goes on for many of the more obvious reasons that should take precedence over the matter of a ritual in an Annual Meeting of a Malay party.

The Keris it seems has more power to negate all the good work done by all the politicians of all ethnic backgrounds stacked together in Barisan Nasional. Can you swallow this theory? If you can, then you must have a big and deep throat.

"Our dignity does not depend on the Keris" , said the Deputy Prime Minister, but he must remember that it is our symbol nonetheless. The Keris is placed in the centre of the UMNO flag and also the logo, and Hishammuddin has admitted that he "cannot defend the symbol of our heritage", which is smack in the middle of both.

So to summarise. The Keris is not our dignity but is no less the symbol of our heritage placed in everything that is UMNO that Hishammuddin cannot defend.

In conclusion. Hishammuddin's enhancement in Malay politics might be cut down to bits by the very Keris that he brandished. It is said by a wise man that the Keris, once unsheathed will protect the person as long as he uses its power with full responsibilty and fairness in the struggle for the community. If there is impurity in its use, then the hand that grips it will in turn earn its wrath.

If the Custodian of the Panca Warisan cannot defend it, then he should not be accorded the privilege that comes with the responsibility. With God's will, those who have forsaken it will be delivered a cruel hand come December 2008.

Such is the might of The Keris.

The above article first appeared in written by my own uncle, a staunch UMNO man who goes by the nickname TPJ. The article addresses the recent UMNO Youth keris-waving controversy. The appearance of this article in Silat Melayu: The Blog doesn't indicate a change in the blog's direction, just an interesting aside from the normal silat-centric content I post here. A good enough disclaimer, you think?

08 May 2008

Indonesian Pencak Silat demonstration to attract thousands of Australian students

Brisbane (ANTARA News) - As many as 2,089 Australian students from 31 elementry and high schools in Victoria State teaching the Indonesian language will watch a demonstration of the Indonesian martial arts (Pencak Silat).

To be held at the Auditorium of Melbourne City on Friday, the delegation of around 20 martial arts players led by the president of inter-country martial arts association (PERSILAT), Edy M Nalapraya, will be watched by 66 teachers from 31 schools, a spokesman for the Indonesian Consulate General in Melbourn, Hahar Gultom, told ANTARA News on Wednesday.

The demonstration by Indonesian martial arts players at the town hall of Melbourne will be highlighted with an angklung (musical instrument made of bamboo) musical show. The music show will be performed by an angklung team from the Bandung Islamic University, he said.

In addition to the Pencak Silat show to the students and their teachers, a PERSILAT team will show their martial arts skills to the Australian public at the same place on Friday afternoon.

"We have set a target of over one thousand martial arts enthusiasts to attend the demonstration," he said. Gultom said his side received assistance from various Indonesian public orgaizations in the dissemination of information on a planned demonstration on Friday.

"We have also disseminated the information to all martial arts groups in Melbourne and its surrounding areas through Blitz magazine," he said.

Sourced from

07 May 2008

Silat coaching seminar ends with 17 passes

Guest of honour in a group picture with the participants

A ceremony was yesterday held to mark the closing of the week-long 'National Coaching Silat Class 3 2008' at the Dewan Kuliah of the National Stadium.

The event saw National Silat Federation (PERSIB) President Pg Jaya Indera Pg Hj Mokhtar Puteh bin Pg Hj Rajid as the guest of honour.

Only 17 of the 33 participants passed the Coaches and Trainers Assessment. Meanwhile, three participants - Shahril bin Hj Mayalin, Pg Hj Md Shahepol Radin bin Pg Hj Tejudin and Dk Nani Suriayati bte Pg Hj Husain - were awarded for being the Best Silat Coaches.

The seminar was organised by the Youth and Sports Department with cooperation from the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, and the National Pencak Silat Federation (PERSIB).

The aim of the seminar was to upgrade the quality of coaches in the sport, ensuring that they are of the highest caliber to train would-be martial artists in the sport of pencak silat - especially for international, national and regional competitions.

Pg Hj Md Shahepol Radin bin Pg Hj Tejudin (left),
Shahril bin Hj Mayalin (middle)
and Dk Nani Suriayati bte Pg Hj Husain
were awarded for being the best coaches.

Sourced from

04 May 2008

Pantun Silat Cekak

Lahirnya Cekak kerana kesedaran
bukan bermusuh sebagai tujuan
untuk mendaulatkan seni kebangsaan
mensesuaikan dengan makna kemerdekaan

Silat Cekak benar-benar asli
tidak bercampur hak luar negeri
hendaklah belajar bersungguh hati
untuk menjaga diri sendiri

Silat Cekak tersangatlah mudah
bagi mereka yang mendapat hidayah
sungguhpun begitu hendaklah tabah
InsyaAllah mendapat faedah

Silat Cekak pada lahirnya
pengertian gerak pada batinnya
hendaklah mahir seluruh anggota
hendaklah jujur pada jiwanya

Taat ke guru membawa berkat
sedikit belajar banyak yang dapat
jika menderhaka menjadi mudarat
semua ilmu tiada yang lekat

Sebenar guru ada hakikat
dikuat pula amalan syariat
ditambah pula ilmu makrifat
berpakaian pula dengan isyarat

Dua ibu bapa tak boleh derhaka
besar jasanya kepada kita
kalau menderhaka bahaya menimpa
di akhirat kita masuk neraka

Wajiblah menjaga diri sendiri
menerima amanah Tuhan Rabbi
supaya menjadi mukmin sejati
demi menegak Islam yang suci.

By Ustaz Hanafi Haji Ahmad

03 May 2008

Pantun Silat

Langkah menyisih bauran harapan
Mengukir rencana di persada bangsa;
Titipan kasih junjungan watan
Mekar impian sejahtera nusa.

Anak haruan si anak sepat
Berenang menyusur ke dalam lukah;
Langkah pahlawan langkah beradat
Pantang mengundur walaupun selangkah

Author unknown

Sourced from

02 May 2008

A sinless gift

It is my extreme pleasure to introduce to the world, my first born princess, Nur Alisha bt Mohd Nadzrin. She is the light in our lives and marks the beginning of a new generation in our family.
She was born 2.8kg (6.16 pounds) at 11.20pm, 2nd May 2008 at Damansara Damai Medical Centre in Selangor, Malaysia. She is perfectly healthy and immediately took in her surroundings with gusto. People have asked me how it feels. "Love at first sight" is my answer.
My princess, when I held you, I cried, not because I don't love you, but I marvelled at how such a sinful man could ever be given such a sinless gift. Take only the good from me and leave behind the bad. I will protect you with all my strength and power. You have given me the period in my knowledge, the comma in my efforts and the parentheses in my love.
I now know what those wise men said of silat. It is of no use when there is nothing to serve, it is of no importance when there is nothing to protect and it is of no consequence when there is no one to love.
I thank the prayers that my teachers, mentors, friends and family have honoured us with. Your knowledge, your wisdom and your guidance will benefit her and those that follow. Amin.

Original Article by Mohd Nadzrin Wahab

01 May 2008

A step back from the keyboard

I shall take a rest from blogging beginning today to welcome a new addition to my family. I am unsure how long this period will last, though judging from the last couple of times I did this, not very long.

In the meantime, I leave the blog in the very capable hands of my brother, Jeff Davidson. If anyone needs to contact me personally may still do so through my email at

Original Article by Mohd Nadzrin Wahab